
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Project Life: Week 3

Hey - I'm getting better at posting these earlier in the week!  It's only Wednesday and I've got last week's Project Life pages ready. Sweet!

This was another week I was afraid I hadn't taken enough photos, but when I reviewed what I had, there were more than I needed.  A nice surprise - I must be getting better at remembering to capture random moments.  (Click on the photo to see a larger version.)

I finally remembered this week to include a verbatim quote from BabyT, as well as a piece of her artwork.  She was making handprints with finger paint (totally unprompted) so I thought that was a perfect way to capture how small she still is!  She seemed pleased that it was going into the scrapbook.  I'm still loving my white paint pen to write on the dark insert cards, too.

I'm getting quicker at putting the pages together each week.  One of my strategies is to choose the style of page protector for the second page before I send photos to be printed.  I look at whether I have a lot of vertical vs. horizontal ones, or if I have enough to fill a page with a lot of slots.  On average I've been printing about 10-12 photos per week, which means I have a few left over at the end.  This gives me some freedom to make choices, especially if the print doesn't look as good as the electronic version, or if I have other ideas for the slots.  And it's still fun, which is important!  I definitely love the weekly format - I'd feel a lot of pressure if I followed a photo-a-day/365 format.

It's really challenging to get non-glare photos of the plastic page protectors.    I'm using Macro mode to get good sharp close-ups, but glare and/or shadows are ruining the photos.  Photography tips are much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I take photos of all my scrapbook pages - in the event that a natural disaster should ruin my scrapbooks. It took me awhile to figure out how to take a good photo while still in the page protector. I take mine during the day, using natural light and no flash. I take the photo from above and not close up. I take a photo with a lot of background and then crop.


I love comments, so please leave me your thoughts. Thanks in advance!