
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We are (not) the champions

So last Friday's tech-free day was... ok.  It forced me to work more on my 2013 Planning Workbook, which has been neglected since I got sick a few weeks ago.  I also did some miscellaneous clutter cleaning.  I made some progress reading Scott Kelby's Adobe Lightroom book.

There were no fewer than 15 times where I wanted to check my email, Facebook or my EBay auction.  It was so hard to stop reaching for my phone when I saw all the new message notifications piling up.

T was in preschool that morning, and I had the first meeting of my monthly papercrafting club at our local craft store.  In the afternoon we all went out for an early family dinner.  It was pretty low-key.

We caved around 8:30pm, after the girls were in bed.  I was shooting for 24 hours, but couldn't take it anymore.

Unplugging = more mindfulness

But even though it was shorter than intended, I did learn something. It was clear how much time I waste on checking email and Facebook multiple times during the day, not to mention mindless Internet surfing because I'm already at the computer.  Not doing these things made me feel like I had a LOT of extra "free" time.  Unplugging definitely helped me practice my 2013 One Little Word, 'mindfulness'.  I was more deliberate about choosing my activities, and it seemed like the day moved a little slower.

TJ was not a fan, since he has few non-computer-related hobbies.  But he gamely played along until the girls were asleep.

I plan to unplug at least once a month, and will definitely change my Internet-time-wasting ways as a result.  So I'd say that was a successful experiment!


  1. Good for you! Thanks for the reminder on the Planning Workbook--I've barely touched it so far. I do feel like I need to plan my time better, but part of me also rebels against that, if that makes any sense. I'll have to work on it. That's part of why I'm running away from home next month, to give myself time away to figure some stuff out without the usual distractions.

  2. Awesome Anandi! I have inadvertently done this a few times when my phone(s) broke. I kinda want to ask my family for this for my birthday or Christmas now.

  3. Glad to hear the great unplug was a success! I have been semi unplugged over the weekend as we were travelling so I had no internet except in our apartment. S definitely enjoyed me playing with her more while we were out and about.

  4. That sounds like success to me.

    Strangely, if I have my phone with me, I check it a lot but if I forget it in my bag, I only notice late at night when I normally plug it in to charge.

    I'm also not done with my 2013 planning - actually it's a good time to do now what with Feb on our doorstep :)

  5. Good for you, i also find if i just do not put the computer on i can get SO much more done.

    Oh and i am sorry but i am keeping the sun, i am LOVING it lol

  6. Good for your for going Tech free, not sure I could do Love how you focused on the word!

  7. Love the page you made! And I really need to turn off my laptop now and then to get things done, it saves so much time!

  8. Great idea but not sure if I can pull it off - LOL!! Loved your OLW focus :)

  9. Great job! I have put myself on a tech-hiatus a couple of times and it is SO hard. Scary how dependent we have become on these little devices. I feel like my phone is an extension of my right hand sometimes. Kudos to you and the family for doing this:)

  10. I'm really impressed that you lasted as long as you did. Thanks for reporting on the results! I really feel like I should do it too, but I'm just too attached, I think. I could see me getting the shakes and then having a full-blown heart attack. Or something.

  11. I think we would all be shocked how much time we spend on out devices :)

  12. Somewhat following your lead, I decided to unplug the TV viewing ... Three times a week I turn off the TV after the news (I gotsa have my news). It's been refreshing to read, or do other things I normally wouldn't.

  13. When I did spend less time on computers (and smartphones), I definitely felt like life moved at a slower pace. I still limit tech time overall on weekends especially on the computer (vs. during workdays) and notice a difference. I think it's different for my husband who spends the same amount of time 7 days a week.I like feeling the difference between weekends and weekdays (slower pace vs. faster). And yes, it forces me to be more mindful of the moment and focus on the kids and physical activity -- all good things!

    1. Ah yes, physical activity! A lot easier to get that when you're not tethered to a device!!!

  14. I am glad this worked for you. I've been good working in and setting up my 2013 household/personal planner

  15. Good for you for taking on that challenge! As I was reading I was thinking about how many times a day I check my phone for new emails, facebook, etc.

  16. What a wonderful word...mindfulness...and a WONDERFUL task to try. I feel your pain about wanting to check your notifications... I know I have this habit and it is NOT EASY to break! Best of luck,

  17. Great post. My sunday school teacher went facebook free last week and she came to the same conclusions as you. That she realized just how much time was wasted on social media. Her word was "Purposeful"

    1. That is a good OLW! I am really close to getting rid of Facebook entirely, but I still need something to pass the time while nursing.

  18. Great job not sure I could do it I live on my phone.

  19. I bought the planner you recommended! Cannot wait to start getting into it!

    1. ooh, i would love to know what you think once you get into it!


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