Friday, December 02, 2011

Do you know what I know? (2011 Creath Family Holiday "Letter")

Hi everyone, and welcome to this year's Creath Family Holiday Letter Thing.  I was going to write a summary of what we did by month, but I'm just not feeling it, so I'm aiming for short and sweet.

2011 has been a great year for us.  Trillian started walking in May, and is quite the chatterbox!  She reliably sleeps through the night and speaks in full, amusing sentences.  For example:

Mama: Trillian, would you like some broccoli?
Trillian:  No, I would NOT.

We had her second birthday party at home in September with my parents and a few of her/our friends.  Spike is now 11 and Peanut is 9, but they're both doing well, though they sleep a lot more than they used to. 

TJ and I are still working at Competing Large Software Companies nearby, and are happy to have short commutes that are unaffected by the WA-520 bridge tolling fiasco.  Trillian likes the daycare she attends twice a week and brings home random stories about her classmates, like who drinks cow's milk vs. rice milk, or who fell on the climber.

In March, we celebrated TJ's *mumble*th birthday at Canlis with a small group of friends.  Hint, it's 0x28 in hex.  :)

We didn't travel much, but did go to Iowa this summer for the burial service of TJ's grandparents.  Though a sad occasion, it was nice for Trillian to see her grandparents, great-Granny, and her Aunt Robin. 

We also drove down to the Bay Area to visit friends and for TJ to do some work at the Mothership.  It was super hot but we had a great time visiting with our little friends Nicolas, Arturo, Zephyr, Anisha and Jaya. 

Right after that trip, I started a new job on a new team.  It's still part-time, and the team has been great.  They also taught me about the Honey Badger.  (Note: he is not kid- or work-safe.)

In September, we had a visit from Trillian's friend Maya and her family.  For a couple of almost-2-year olds, they did some pretty good sharing.

My parents were here for the summer in their new place nearby, and TJ's family came to visit for Thanksgiving.  We cooked a somewhat non-traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Amidst all of that, we went to the zoo a couple of times, made lots of trips to the dog park and Trillian's favorite "rumble slide", and had swimming lessons and Little Gym classes.  We've been having fun!

We wish you joy, prosperity and health in 2012, and hope to see you in Seattle!

Anandi, TJ, Trillian, Peanut & Spike


  1. Ooh, I LOVE holiday letters. Sounds like you had a good year!

  2. @Shalini - it's so awesome how much better it gets when the kid can actually talk, and walk! I love babies, but life is just a bit easier now. Thanks for your comment :)

  3. Lovely letter! And I LOVE that your name is listed first as it should be!!


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